In this article, you will find all the useful macros for your URL to pass data to your tracking tool for further analysis and optimization of your campaigns.
Please keep in mind that “##” is the part of the macro, it's what makes the macro dynamic. So don’t miss it when you are adding macros to your tracking system.
Here is the list of the most popular ones:
##SUB_ID_SHORT(action)## — Click ID. This one is a must-have when you are launching a performance basis campaign.
##PLACEMENT_ID## — ID of the actual source.
##CAMPAIGN_ID## — ID of your campaign at Adsterra’s platform.
##ADVERTISER_ID## — Advertiser ID on the Adsterra platform
##USER_OS## — Operation System on the user’s device.
##USER_OS_VER## — User's operating system version.
##LANDING_ID## — Landing page ID.
##CAMPAIGN_NAME## — the name of your campaign on the Adsterra platform.
##PUBLISHER_ID## — Publisher ID.
##ZONE_ID## — Publisher's site ID.
##REMOTE_COUNTRY## — full name of Country.
##REMOTE_LANGUAGE_CODE## — user’s browser language.
##BANNER_ID## — ID of Banner/Creative. This one is handy when you run a campaign with Native Banners or Social bar ad units. With the macro added to the link, you can check performance for all of your creatives on the campaign.
##BROWSER_NAME## — User’s browser.
##DEVICE_BRAND## — the brand of the user's device.
##DEVICE_MODEL## — the model of the user's device.
These you can use for passing your spending to your tracking system:
##COST_CPA## — The cost per action (e.g., install, sign-up) derived from the campaign pricing settings, factoring in any custom bids. This value is applicable only for CPA campaigns; in other campaign types, it returns 0.
##COST_CPC## — The cost per click from the campaign pricing settings, factoring in any custom bids. In CPM campaigns, this value represents the cost per 1 impression. It is used in both CPC and CPM campaigns; in other campaign types, it returns 0.
##COST_CPM## — The cost per 1,000 impressions (CPM) from the campaign pricing settings, factoring in any custom bids. This value applies only to CPM campaigns; in other campaign types, it returns 0. For the cost per 1 impression in a CPM campaign, use ##COST_CPC##.
Also, there are a few other macros for advanced analysis:
##COUNTRY_CODE## — 2symbols Country Code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).
##COUNTRY_CODE_A3## — 3symbols Country Code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
##REMOTE_IP## — User's IP.
##USER_REGION## — User's region based on IP address.
##USER_CITY## — User's city based on IP address.
##USERAGENT## — encoded user-agent.
##USERAGENT_DEC## — not encoded user-agent.
##TIMESTAMP## — ad display time (in Unix timestamp format).
##RANDOM_ID## — random ID for RTB integration.
If you still have questions or don’t quite understand how all this may be useful for your particular campaign then feel free to reach our support team for getting sound advice on its use.