Hacking, Phishing, or Phreaking.
Software Piracy (for example Warez) & Technical Support or Browser Lock.
Pornographic content.
Containing or linking to any form of illegal activity (for example, how to make drugs, bombs, etc.).
Racial, ethnic, political hatred, hate-mongering, or other kinds of objectionable content.
Content that defames or abuses someone or threatens to do physical harm to others.
Inappropriate newsgroup postings, chat or forum abuse, unsolicited e-mail (SPAM).
Any illegal activity whatsoever.
Torrent sites.
Sites, illegally distributing copyrighted content.
Campaigns that modify or redirect from parent window (e.g., using 'opener' javascript function to redirect users from publishers' websites to another location).
Crypto-mining scripts, software, etc.
Browser Push Notification for Social Bar ad unit.
Any sort of malware.
Note! Adsterra's verification team manually approves each campaign, as well as runs a thorough check through security system.